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Versa-Tag Key Tags

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The original and highly popular Versa Key Tags are still the best. Just a simple fold and the tags are made.  Write on them with virtually anything, pen, pencil or marker and they won't smudge or tear!   They are self-laminating so they protect your information.  Perfect for new and used dealership and rental inventories.
Easily keep your dealership keys in order with your own color-coded system, choose from our 9 colors of versa tags available.
  • 10 Colors to choose from: yellow, white, red, blue, green, orange, tan, gray, lilac, lime green.
  • Or choose a multi-color box with 50 of each: yellow, white, red, blue, green.
  • Size: 3" x 3" (Folded Size: 1 1/4" x 3")
  • 250 tags and rings per box
  • Won't smudge or tear!
  • Chrome-plated steel tags
Price: $28.50
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